Hello and welcome
To the Dyslexia FeelGood Funday (DFGF) website!
We're extremely happy that you've decided to check us out and if you haven't already done so, please sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date with all the latest especially our newsletter, DFGF Voices.
Dyslexia FeelGood Funday or DFGF for short are a project with a tiny team: Serene - Access Support, Dee - Project Lead and a dedicated Volunteer - Claudette.
We receive a modest grant from the Arts Council England and started running this year August 2023.
We are also a CIC, a community interest company registered with Companies House with
company no. 14964810.
The aims of the project and CIC are very much aligned.
Check out the most relevant company info is below.
Thank you.
Number of days till the big event,
Dyslexia FeelGoood Funday:
The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.
Some Companies House details on DFGF CIC ...
Company details on Government website:
Registered mailing address only:
5 Brayford Square, Stepney Green, London, E1 0SG, UK.
The company’s activities will provide benefit to ...
A diversity of dyslexic and neurodiverse citizens mainly within the London area, but may also be nationally based; offering interactive arts based, leisure/recreational and developmental activities for all ages
(Tell us here what the company is being set up to do)
How will the activity benefit the community?
(The community will benefit by…)
The company will run the following:
The aim of the Dyslexia FeelGood Funday CIC is to imbue the dyslexic & ND community with the chance to:
The activities will be run by expert artists some of whom are themselves dyslexic & ND. Workshops will be in the following:
... So in securing the funding DFGF has pledged amongst other key actions to:
-Promote arts-based activities to dyslexics and neurodivergents (NDs) to stimulate an ongoing interest developing and growing beyond the life of the one-day event & online workshop so improving mental health, building confidence and skills
-Enabling artists to promote their work & events to visitors/audiences to encourage future participation so gaining the above mentioned benefits
-Provide the opportunity for the DFGF Artists to form possible collaborations thus creating more uniquely rich cultural experiences
-Artist stories & journeys can encourage, motivate and create empathy and rapport with dyslexics, NDs and the neuro-majority visitors and audience assisting them to see the possibilities open to them
-Promote routes into the various artistic professions represented at the Funday
-Encourage networking amongst dyslexics and NDs to help build community
Dyslexia FeelGood Funday (DFGF) 2023.
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