The World of Work and a Closer Look at Definition of Dyslexia
21 February 2024
Hi everyone!
I attempted to find a subject to write on in the wide dyslexic subject. I made a choice to blog about dyslexia in employment and law - please do not turn away from the page yet .... stay with me, stay with me. I'm pleading like an R&B love song!!
My background as you may have guessed is law. I read Law at North London Polytechnic and did my Post Grad at Westminster University back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I was assessed as being dyslexic after my first bout of university and by the time I got to my Post Grad in 2005 I'd had a dyslexia assessment with a top educational psychologist.
Later came the Disability Discrimination Act, but back in the 80s there was no such law and I got no reasonable adjustments when studying for my first degree. Consequently it was very tough and traumatic.
Anyway enough about me ... I've choosen one area to write about and I would please love feedback from you readers. Email: with any thoughts. Thank you.
WHAT IS DYSLEXIA?- I've read so many definitions describing it as a learning disability that I became distressed. The medical model of disability describes dyslexia as a medical condition which it is not as it is definitely not like a broken legal or eye infection it and it cannot be fixed the same way a leg can be fixed.
Here is the definition from Tri Services National Institute of Training and Research in Dyslexia, United States of America (quoted in Krupska, M., Klein, C., 1995, p.10)
“Dyslexia is a neurological difference or dysfunction in persons of any IQ level, from below average to gifted".
It is a neurological status, which may cause academic difficulties and impede the ability to organize, plan and schedule effectively.
As a status, it is permanent and irreversible.
Many dyslexics have in common a history of frustration and failure, especially in school. The difficulties, however, are surmountable.
Dyslexics also have uncommon gifts, skills and talents in many fields; the creative arts, architecture, engineering, construction, mathematics, physics, electronics, computer science, law, medicine, banking and finance, sports, entertainment and others.
In the best circumstances, dyslexia is an opportunity to excel”.
Possible Strengths of Dyslexia
Dyslexics can be:
-Innovative thinkers - creative in many different ways
-Have excellent trouble shooting skills
-Be intuitive problem solvers
-May have well developed accurate reading strategies
-Be lateral thinkers
That's if for me for now, after my first ever blog. I await your responses. Thank you.
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N.B. All views expressed are those of the author.
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